
Joining overview

Being an Environmental Enforcer is more than just passion.
It will take commitment, dedication and a whole lot of love for the environment.

The Philippine Mountain Rangers & Wildlife Enforcers will help you
gain the knowledge and skills needed if you wish to take up the challenge
and join a seemingly endless fight
in preserving the environment and its inhabitants.

Are You Qualified To Join?

01. Age Requirements

Volunteers start from 18 to senior, as long as you are still able. If you are a minor, please get a written consent from your parents.

02. Physical Requirements

The Philippine Wildlife Rangers & Environmental Enforcers practice a quasi-military training. Having an abled body with top physical performance will help you excel in the program easily.

Those with disabilities may join our People With Determination program.


Environmental Enforcers Sentries of Mother Nature

Deciding between an enforcer or a rescuer


Rapid Deployment Operatives
Volunteers trained against
poachers and illegal loggers.


Rescue & Emergency Division
Volunteers that are trained for
search and rescues. 

Ready to begin?

Schedule your interview

Once you're ready for the training, let's have you prepped up for the documents needed. If you have any other questions, please refer the FAQs below.

The Philippine Mountain Rangers & Wildlife Enforcers is a quasi-military organization which composes of selfless volunteers that helps the community, the environment, and its inhabitants. We also assist the local government in aiding when called upon, and rescue in times of disaster.

You will undergo 8-week (weekend) training, preparing you with the skills you need to be an environmental enforcer.

You will also undergo 2 days, and 1 night to experience Jungle Survival Training as your Field Training Exercise.

If you love the environment and feel that it is about time that we do something about the seemingly endless flow of garbage, then you will fit right in.

Progress is always part of our life. Unfortunately, we often neglect the environment as we progress with technology, education, with our standards of living. It is high time that we do something about it. If not now, then when? And if not us, then who?

Not only will your community recognize your advocacy while wearing the uniform, LGUs and government agencies approves it as it is with your title.

The Philippine Mountain Rangers & Wildlife Enforcers is currently working on an insurance package as part of your starter kit which will be released soon.

Helping the environment with a selfless heart of volunteerism is a reward in itself, knowing that you did your part in preserving the environment for future generations to enjoy.

Here at the Philippine Mountain Rangers & Wildlife Enforcers, we pride ourselves on continuously leveling up our knowledge base and skill level. We partner up with other branches of service and private training providers who are the best in their fields.

Aside from the basic military training, you will also learn first-aid, stop-the-bleeding, safety, environmental law, wildlife preservation, and above all, leadership.

▶ Kindly prepare and bring these requirements:

( ) PSA Birth Certificate
( ) Police/NBI Clearance
( ) Barangay Clearance
( ) Drug test
( ) Medical Certificate
( ) ROTC Certification – If Applicable
( ) School DIPLOMA
( ) Whole body Picture – White T-shirt and Rubber shoes

Copyright © 2025 by the Philippine Wildlife Rangers & Environmental Enforcers. All rights reserved.